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Creative_ dream_UI's profile

Creative_ dream_UI

Senior Designer


Lahore, Pakistan

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Web Design Services with Figma

From US$80

Service Overview: The digital landscape is continually evolving, and your website is the forefront of your online presence. Using Figma, a cutting-edge design tool, I craft websites that are not only visually captivating but also user-centric. Dive into my Behance portfolio and discover how I transform digital spaces into functional and beautiful web experiences. What I Offer: Tailored Web Solutions: Every brand has its essence. I design websites that resonate with your brand's voice and cater to your specific audience. Interactive Wireframes: With Figma, visualize the user pathways, layouts, and functionalities before diving into the design details. Pixel-Perfect Designs: Benefit from high-fidelity designs that are meticulously detailed, setting the right foundation for development. Responsive Web Design: I ensure that your website delivers an optimal experience, no matter the device—desktop, tablet, or mobile. Collaborative Feedback Process: Using Figma's collaborative features, you can provide real-time feedback, ensuring the design process is transparent and aligned with your vision. Why My Services? Showcased on Behance: Explore the diverse web projects on my Behance portfolio to get a glimpse of my design versatility and innovation. Proficient in Figma: With 5 years of hands-on experience with Figma, I utilize its advanced features to bring your web vision to life. End-to-End Design Journey: From the initial brainstorming to the final design handoff, I'm with you at every step, ensuring a seamless process. Elevate your online presence with a website that reflects excellence in both design and functionality. Browse through my Behance portfolio for inspiration and let's craft a web experience that sets you apart.

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 5 revisions

Mobile App Design Services

From US$40

Service Overview: Your mobile app is more than just a platform—it's a visual story, a user journey, and a brand experience rolled into one. Through my Behance portfolio, I offer top-tier mobile app design services that transform your ideas into intuitive, stunning, and engaging digital experiences. What I Offer: 1. Custom Design Solutions: Every app has a unique story. I craft designs that not only look beautiful but also align with your brand and functionality needs. 2. User Experience (UX) Strategy: Using tested methodologies, I develop UX strategies ensuring the user's journey within your app is smooth and delightful. 3. High-Fidelity Prototypes: Visualize your app's functionality before development with interactive prototypes, making the revision process efficient and transparent. 4. Adaptive & Responsive Design: No matter the device, your app will look and function impeccably, delivering a consistent experience to all users. 5. Regular Consultations: Your feedback is pivotal. I ensure a collaborative process, integrating insights at every design stage. Why My Services? - Behance Verified: Explore my portfolio to see the diverse range of projects I've worked on, reflecting my adaptability and design expertise. - Skilled Expertise: Backed by 5 years of experience in the mobile app design field, I bring both knowledge and passion to every project. - Transparent Process: From the first sketch to the finalized design, I maintain an open line of communication, ensuring your vision is always at the forefront. Transform your app idea into a visual masterpiece. Browse my Behance portfolio to witness the caliber of designs I offer, and let's embark on this creative journey together.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 10 revisions

Graphic Design

From US$5

Hey,I am Noman , a Graphics Designer with over 3+ years of experience and worked with different industries. I will design and customize your website & Logos according to your need. Designing website and logos is my passion and i want to boost your work. I will convert your imaginations into reality. So if you agree you will contact me to check my skills and I am sure you would appreciate my work So, be cool to reach out to me so we can started planning about your projects!

Less than a week

3 concepts, 5 revisions