Fenja Vespermann's profile banner
Fenja Vespermann's profile

Fenja Vespermann

Multidisciplinary Designer & Design Director


Hamburg, Germany

Hire Fenja

Visual and Brand Identity  Package

From US$4,700

Whether you're seeking to rebrand or establish your brand from the ground up, this comprehensive service encompasses all essential design aspects to enhance and redefine your brand's overall perception. Here's what's included: Logo Design: Create a captivating and memorable logo that resonates with your brand's identity and values. Brand Guidelines & Toolkit: Develop comprehensive brand guidelines and a toolkit to ensure consistent brand representation across all touchpoints. Stationery: Craft professional stationery, including business cards, letterhead, and envelopes, that reinforce your brand's image. Instagram Templates: Design eye-catching Instagram templates to engage your audience and promote your brand effectively. Social Media Banners: Create impactful social media banners that captivate attention and drive engagement on various social media platforms.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 1 revision