Black Panthers (Power anywhere where there's people).

Recently I've been trying to educate myself some on the civil rights movements and some of the visionaries, groups and activists involved within it. Theres a lot that needs to be done but I think its important if you have a platform to help spread some of that message. I don't have all the answers but through working with people and educating yourself, steps can be taken in a positive way for everyone involved.

This poster represents some of the louder aspects of the panthers, who really brought a unique style and voice to the cause. I included a section of a speech by member Fred Hampton that I felt was fitting; Power anywhere where there's people.

This is not for profit or gain but simply to learn more about matters which involve us all. Hopefully this may inspire someone else to put their opinion or a design out there and spread the love right now.
Black Panthers

Black Panthers

black lives matter black panthers
