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Adobe Creative Challenge 2. Create a social cookbook.

Do you love Chocolate Chip Cookies? 
Add it to your Cook Book!
If you're like me, I use the same recipe for my favorite meals but I don't save them. I search for it on the internet every time, even though I've almost got it memorized. 
Hosted as an Adobe Creative Challenge (#2) in April with Behance Live. This project was to "design a community cookbook app that allows users to scan recipes and save them to a shared library. Focus on adding animation of a recipe being added."
Thinking about people going through cooking recipes, I thought using an Ipad artboard would be best. Ipads are used around the house, and make excellent displays while doing other activities. 

 I started creating wire frames to help myself identify the type of information and picture assets I would need to illustrate my idea. 
I'm fairly new to learning about creating components, connecting states, and making animations. I discovered how cool XD's Hover feature is. I had a lot of fun learning, and just becoming absorbed in figuring this out. I'm very excited to share this.
Check out my prototype and play around with the components I made in the menu.
I focused on using hover components. 

User Flow
Artboard 1 Select "Family"
Artboard 2 Select "Chocolate Chip Cookies" 
To go back to previous arboards Select the Left Arrow Icon or Select "back to recipes" 
Observe Hover feature with icons.
Please comment and provide your thoughts and impressions. Thanks. 
Adobe Creative Challenge 2. Create a social cookbook.

Adobe Creative Challenge 2. Create a social cookbook.

Adobe Creative Challenge 2. Create a social and interactive cookbook. Focus on making Components. In this project I learned how to create a inter Read More
