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The Mummies of Minya ​​​- Archaeological Site

The Mummies of Minya ( Tuna El Gebel )​​​​​​​ - Archaeological Site

CAIRO – 24 February 2018: The Egyptian Minister of Antiquities Khaled Anany announced Saturday the discovery of 8 tombs that contain about 40 coffins of Pharaonic priests and more than 1000 Ushabti statues in Tuna el-Gebel area in Minya Egyptian governorate. 

“Today we are announcing the beginning of a new discovery, the tombs are full of jewelries, potteries and pharaonic jars,’’ Anany recounted. 

This discovery as described by Anany is one of the largest and most important archaeological discoveries unearthed in recent times. The new archeological discovery is documenting some issues related to the live of ancient Egyptians in Minya province tens of centuries ago. 

The most prominent finds in these tombs were a gold mask, coffins, mummies and statues.The Egyptian ministry of Antiquities added that the area of the discovery requires years of hard work pointing out that the main advantage of this discovery is that it was discovered by Egyptians. 

It is worth mentioning that this discovery is considered the second discovery in 2018 after a new tomb was discovered in the Western Cemetery located in the Pyramids area in Giza to an ancient Egyptian woman named Hetpet, as announced on February 3 by Anany. 

The Mummies of Minya ​​​- Archaeological Site


The Mummies of Minya ​​​- Archaeological Site
