A Season of Competition Work.
Sketches and design options for the 'Cuisinary' crowdsource competition.
  After entering my very first crowdsource competition and winning I was stoked for more! On contract I completed the chanages to make the design more suitable to the client's needs and dived into several new competitions.
Design Development of My Winning Logo Competition Entry
With logo design as my competition of choice I found out how to optimize my design process to churn out at least 2 design entries a day. The open competitions were in some ways most intriguing as I watched the different entries come in and responded to the hosts feedback during the process. It was challenging to find ways of refining the logo in the face of 'copycat' artists to keep a step ahead and it was rewarding to see my entries reach the final round in almost every instance.
 My enthusiasm for the process did eventually ebb away as several competition holders failed to give adequate feedback, neglected to make final selections in time for the deadlines and in one instance even gave first prize to his own entry!

Nonetheless, I enjoyed the process which enhanced my personal workflow and have gained, what I think, are a few great concepts to show for it.


logo design - competition work
