People got used that their world was covered with machines and factories, high buildings and endless roads. They were never mind to live among dust and litter. People were proud of their high technologies and science and they thought that they took control under the nature and the whole world they live. But one day people have discovered nature magic failed as humanity embraced science. They released that world's magic is dying, but they didn’t know what they can do with that. Mother-Earth became poisoned and ill, the life on it became dangerous and it could not be the man’s home any more. The waste occupied the whole world and people became its slaves.
Every creature on the Earth experienced negative consequences of this tragedy. People tried to cope with it by using their science as they used to do it before. But nothing they could do. Their technologies were high and modern, but they forgot about one important component that could help them to survive. The world’s hope is a man of science and nature magic. In order to correct the mistakes of human forwardness and ignorance the group of modern scientists and architectors separated from the general association to a new community with a new vision of people existence and future human being on the Earth.
Creative members of this group outlined the plan to save nature magic by creating a new place of harmony, where science, technologies, nature, nature elements and a human could have a new home, where all the magic can come into the real life, spreading to the rest of the world, forcing out dirty machines and factories that covered people’s world. 
Nature elements such as water, light, wind and earth came together with people’s technology and they have born an unique union that could revive the natural magic and save the world. Modern-day union of nature and technologies were applied to battle ages-old evil.
This alliance tied the city and the landscape together to form a new environment, named “Biocluster”, a place that could support a healthy and harmonic lifestyle. “Biocluster” was completely energy self-sufficient system. It consumed as much energy as it could produce. All energy was gathered from renewable energy sources: solar, wave, wind, geothermal and bio-waste. Its bionic structure was inspired by plants with roots, corals and fungi with mycelium. As a biotic creature, “Biocluster” could feed, grow, reproduce itself and dynamically react to the ambient conditions. It reminded a wonderful outlandish green forest. This structure produced positive energy while its leave-looking membranes, containing chlorophyll, were able to absorb atmospheric pollution by a photo-catalytic effect that uses sunlight for photosynthesis. This natural magic made the complex of “Biocluster” extremely friendly to the poisoned environment and it became a new chance for people to save their world. 
The first structures of “Biocluster” were born in a separate part of the Earth where nothing could stop the beginning of a new era of ecological lifestyle. Like a plant this complex of structures started the process of evolution and rising by power consumption of natural geothermal energy, solar energy and water energy. The more waste it met along the way, the more extended and developed became the fairy green giant. “Biocluster” spread its powerful branches through all over the world, absorbing dust and poison, recycling litter and disintegrating waste from the air, water and soil.  The positive energy was producing while the system of a new people habitat was rising and flourishing. People got from their new technologies not only the ecological fuel energy but also a majestic positive energy of nature – from the Earth and its elements, plants and animals. It is an entirely new conception of the way people could interact with the natural world. The energy could spread through the whole system to ensure the maintenance of a positive balance and harmony in each area. This positive energy contained nonverbal informative component that provided communication and information exchange between any parts of the system, from people to people. Finally, the “Biocluster” was developed in a remodeled forest environment that was adapted to the needs of a new way of life. The inhabitants became operators of a new harmonic ecosystem.
Finally people got a chance to release the scope of the tragedy and overcome the crisis they have generated by their hands. They found a way to change their mind, ideology and lifestyle, they looked around and found a wonderful world of nature magic and positive energy they forgot a long time ago. A new era had come where harmony of mankind and nature flourished and rose and the mother-Earth was saved.