Kinesis is a student game project I worked on with 5 friends of mine during our last year of college. I mainly worked as a concept arist with my teammate Nicolas Terlon, and also worked on the game ergonomics and global UX through the narrative design.
Kinesis is a first person game about reflexion and exploration.
Your journey starts on a strange living planet, inspired by Moebius’ universe, a famous french comic artist. Being attentive to the environment around you will be the key, in order to understand the planet, its story, and heal its wounds. Everything is about creating your own path. You decide what you want to explore. In Kinesis, the player has two abilities: he can travel inside energetic flows - he can guide their direction in many different ways.

KINESIS won the GRAND PRIZE from the Hits Playtime's 2015, an annual french game contest.

- We also exposed the game at the E3 2015 thanks to the cluster Budgames and the magazine Joypad -



Kinesis is a video game student gratudating project.
