POWDER guaraná
Natural Energy Drink
The energy drink's market is now very competitive . New brazilian brands entered the market to fight with the biggest marks and big investments were required. But nobody had thought to create a really innovative product.
Observing customer needs I started searching a new energetic drink, but at the same time, not so aggressive. So when I finally solve the mistery and turn into a heuristic, I could develop the POWDER Guaraná, a Natural Energy Drink prototype.
The base of guarana can make that this drink does not have much of the common chemical substances introduced on energetic drinks. Furthermore, using the raw material of guarana, the product has total identity with the country of origin. Finally, we can significantly reduce product costs, further increasing its contribution margin and consequently, this a product will help to construct an enterprise with very strong marketing potencial.
Wanna know the complete business design?
Contact me: tiagomarincek@gmail.com

Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

mascot prototype - concepts based on the design of the real fruit (guaraná)


Powder Natural Energy Drink


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