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OrderUp Restaurant Lineup Billboard (Game Day Theme)

The theme for this billboard was "game day" since it was during football season. The goal was to make the text appear spray painted on the field, and have the right side be like a football roster, but showing featured restaurants with OrderUp. This billboard was also accompanied by the following posters and bus wraps:
OrderUp Game Day Bus Wrap (side)
This bus wrap followed the same theme as the billboard, and was on the sides of buses in Baltimore City
OrderUp Game Day Bus Wrap (back)
This bus wrap followed the same theme as the billboard, and was on the back of buses in Baltimore City
Heavy Seas Alehouse Poster
This poster followed the same game day theme, but promoted Heavy Seas Alehouse being delivered
Farmstead Grill Poster
This poster promoted Farmstead Grill being delivered to John's Hopkins, also following the game day theme
Isabella's Brick Oven Poster
Finally, the last poster in the series promoted Isabella's Brick Oven being delivered to John's Hopkins.
OrderUp Restaurant Lineup Billboard (Game Day Theme)

OrderUp Restaurant Lineup Billboard (Game Day Theme)

A series of bus wraps, posters, and a billboard designed to promote OrderUp delivering certain restaurants. These were all done in a game day the Read More
