Shoot 2: 
For this shoot I decided to focus on the town of Stafford however instead of using the town centre I travelled slightly out and found an array of nature looked over completely finding the hidden treasures of Stafford and how beautiful it can be if you looked a little outside and closely. 
Favourite Images:
This is my favourite photo from the shoot through every element working perfectly in my opinion. I especially like the contrast of lighting shown in this photo, to me the bend from the tunnels shadow represents a rainbow through the sunny side representing the sun and happiness whilst the shadowed side represents the rain and gloom. As well as this through using the correct exposure and not using too much low exposure that the features don't turn up and get expressed properly the lily pads illuminated by the sun are showed in their natural beauty and the lighter bit closer to the camera shows the small ripples and current in the water created by the breeze showing true Tranquillity to me and how everything in this photograph seems peaceful to me as a person.
I like this image in particular as the ripples create an amazing effect shown on the photo, as well as this I like how the lower exposure has turned out highlighting the ripples made further however it could be improved by the picture not being so low exposed as it sometimes takes elements of the photograph away. 
The use of a shallow depth of field is used effectively in these photographs as it highlights the features focused on the camera for example the decay and moss on the metal fencing and as well the intricate lining and detail on the leaves. 
As well these images tie into my artist research through the artist of Freya Najade and how through her photobook of 'The Hackney Marshes' is similar to this shoot taken through the focus on nature shooting odd out of place things through shallow depth of field similar to the techniques I've used and as well some man made items spotted throughout as well similar to my shoot here through telegraph poles and as well underground bridges featuring graffiti and as well man made signs overtaken by nature growing around it.
Although I have some good photos taken this shoot doesn't create the idea of tranquillity as a shoot for a whole. For example, in my future shoots as its more the nature side I see instead of the views in front of me I can get more detailed and closer images of nature showing people what the word 'Tranquil' means to me. 
shoot 2

shoot 2


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