Jonas Sax Møller Holm's profile

RTC Transport - The bad driver and the good driver

RTC Transport - The bad driver og the good driver

The Bad Driver and the Good Driver. The main goal is to create an entertaining experience where humor plays a central role. In the scenario with the Bad Driver, emphasis is placed on portraying the situation extremely, adding a comedic dimension. This not only makes it funny but also insightful by highlighting the potential consequences of poor driving.

On the other hand, the scenario with the Good Driver illustrates the correct way to act. This not only creates a contrast to the bad driver but also serves as an instructive component in the video. The Good Driver can almost be considered the incarnation of professionalism and skill in driving. A comparison could be drawn to a character like Peter at L'easy, adding a funny and recognizable dimension for the viewer.

By incorporating these two characters into the video, we not only create a humorous element but also an educational dimension where viewers can identify and reflect on the difference between good and bad behavior. This contributes to making the video engaging and memorable for the audience.
RTC Transport - Den dårlige chauffør og den gode chauffør

Den Dårlige Chauffør og Den Gode Chauffør. Hovedmålet er at skabe en underholdende oplevelse, hvor humor spiller en central rolle. I scenariet med Den Dårlige Chauffør bliver der lagt vægt på at fremstille situationen ekstremt, for at tilføre en komisk dimension. Dette gør det ikke blot sjovt, men også indsigtsfuldt ved at fremhæve de potentielle konsekvenser af dårlig kørsel.

På den anden side illustrerer scenariet med Den Gode Chauffør den korrekte måde at agere på. Dette skaber ikke kun en kontrast til den dårlige chauffør, men fungerer også som en form for instruktiv komponent i videoen. Den Gode Chauffør kan nærmest betragtes som inkarnationen af professionalisme og dygtighed inden for kørsel. En sammenligning kunne drages til en figurs som Peter hos L'easy, hvilket tilføjer en sjov og genkendelig dimension for seeren.

Ved at indarbejde disse to karakterer i videoen skaber vi ikke kun et humoristisk element, men også en lærerig dimension, hvor seerne kan identificere og reflektere over forskellen mellem god og dårlig adfærd. Dette bidrager til at gøre videoen både engagerende og mindeværdig for publikum.

The creative brief

Who's the client
RTC transport, a delivery service specialising in the delivery of appliances and larger electronics to the every customer

The product
A short film about 3-4 minutes long.

The aim of the product 
The aim of the product is furter educate their drives - to ensure productivity, customer satisfaction and brand recognition.

The target audience
RTC transport's delivery drives, in the age group of 20-40 years old.

What the audience should experience/know
- The delivery drivers will know that their work is important, every step of the way
- The delivery driver should experience that their job is fulfilling

What the audience should think and feel
- The delivery drivers will think of themselves as a part of the RTC transport brand.
- The delivery drivers will feel proud of their job and position

Which media/where will the product be displayed
It's a short film, meant for internal use on screens in their storage building, and as a part of their onboarding process.

RTC Transport - The bad driver and the good driver


RTC Transport - The bad driver and the good driver
