Carolina Cristallo's profile

Il Minimalismo: Less is more

Il Minimalismo: Less is more
Less is more is a self-initiated project which consists in designing an old piece of writing. This one in particular focuses on the topic of Minimalism, an artisitic movement born in the 60’ which relied on simple geometry, materiality and pushed concept art even further into how we know it today. In the publication I mention the art of Sol Lewitt and Bruce Nauman, the writings of Camillo Sbarbaro and the minimalism style in interior design - my specialisation in high school.  The text is in Italian - except for the section about Bruce Nauman - since mt assessors were Italian and the document had to be used for my final exams.
I was inspired by this movement to create a very simple layout and typography with a limited use of colours. I have also chosen a simple serif typeface which reminded me of regular books that I find myself browsing when I go back to Italy to get my latest reading fix. The images are mostly in black and white except for some colourful pieces of art that take a full page - which is often the case in my editorial works, since I do not like to constrict art in small frames.
Editorial Design & Artistic research, 2022
Il Minimalismo: Less is more


Il Minimalismo: Less is more
