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Volunteer: Firefighter before Joining a Department

To Volunteer or Not to Volunteer: Firefighter before Joining a Department?
Becoming a firefighter is a noble and rewarding career choice. It requires dedication, physical fitness, and thinking on your feet in high-pressure situations. Many aspiring firefighters wonder if becoming a volunteer firefighter before joining a department is necessary for their career.

Erich Squire believes, volunteer firefighting is a great way to gain experience, get involved in your community, and learn valuable skills that will benefit you in your future career as a firefighter. However, it is not a requirement to get hired by a department.

There are pros and cons to becoming a volunteer firefighter before joining a department. On the one hand, volunteer firefighting allows you to work alongside experienced firefighters and learn from them. You'll gain hands-on experience dealing with fire emergencies, search and rescue operations, and medical emergencies. You'll also have the chance to build relationships with other firefighters and community members, which can be valuable when applying for a paid position.

On the other hand, volunteer firefighting can be demanding on your time and resources. You may have to balance your volunteer duties with work or school, and the training requirements can be rigorous. Additionally, volunteer departments may not have access to the same resources and equipment as paid departments, which could limit your exposure to certain types of emergencies.

Ultimately, deciding to become a volunteer firefighter before joining a department depends on your goals and circumstances. Volunteering can be a great option if you're passionate about firefighting and want to gain as much experience as possible. It can also demonstrate to potential employers that you're committed to the field and willing to work to succeed.

However, suppose you have limited time or financial resources or are already confident in your abilities and experience. In that case, you may skip the volunteer route and focus on applying directly to paid departments. It's important to weigh the pros and cons carefully and decide to align with your goals and priorities.

In conclusion, becoming a volunteer firefighter before joining a department is a personal choice that depends on your circumstances. Volunteering can be a great way to gain experience, build relationships, and demonstrate your commitment to the field if you have the time and resources. However, it is not a requirement for getting hired by a department, and ultimately, the decision should be based on what will best help you achieve your career goals.
Volunteer: Firefighter before Joining a Department

Volunteer: Firefighter before Joining a Department


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