PSA Posters: Doomscrolling

This project was to create 3 posters that were PSAs about anything we wanted; depression, suicide, whatever. I chose to make mine about 'doomscrolling', or continuously scrolling social media while reading about worse and worse things. It leads to anxiety, depression, and more. 
This first poster is meant to convey the direct connection on negativity that can come from online. The cable leading from the computer to the person is a direct representation of that, with the red color indicating anger. 
This second one is meant to be a statement on the 'infinite scroll' that social media sites have implemented. The neverending scroll of posts from people around the world that quickly devolves into negativity can become a painful trip through the internet. 
This one is a reminder to get off every once in a while, telling us that we can get more depressed and anxious the more we scroll and read stories online. The picture shows an alarm ten seconds past its limit, suggesting that the reader is going through a panic attack currently. 
These posters are meant to help bring awareness to the mental health cost of staying online all the time. The anxiety, depression, and stress that comes from reading constant negative media is a real cost, and we need to be aware. Take time off of your screen to live your life, not the online life. 
PSA Posters

PSA Posters


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