Bonduelle \ SMM visual concept & PRODUCTION

Our team created the project in accordance with the internal values
and philosophy of the company. We tried to include all the important
points for the companyin the language of social media.

Concept of social media / TOne of vision

Our visual design is based on the current visual and conceptual trends of the Instagram platform, where human-centric content is the basis. 

We felt it important to reflect not only the premium nature of the brand through a concise presentation of visual content, but also to make it inbound through areas such as: No edit edit, where the visual solution is quite native, but remains within the brand philosophy and aesthetic of CSR orientation, which will be reflected in different kinds of collaged and backstage stories, as well as in content with typography and interviews with experts To that end, we focused on large, aesthetically pleasing organic patterns with an emphasis on texture and different typographic solutions. 

We also suggest enriching the graphic solution with animation: cinemagraph, stopmotion and different kinds
of video editing. And we arranging the accent grid by color positions for a more aesthetic overall perception
of the user and implementation of special projects which would fit most seamlessly into the succession
of posts-campaigns In addition.

 We propose to conduct product photo shoots with non-standard story visualizations to achieve a high aesthetic solution to maximize user engagement and reveal the eng products and points of the campaign 

Production brief

We organized rapid production of unique content for the client's social media channels.
This content is fully relevant to the values and philosophy of the company.

creations' concept examples 

Each rubric is a thorough concept, which is imbued with brand values
and aimed at a dialogue with the brand audience.

Bonduelle \ SMM visual concept & PRODUCTION