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Photo Series- Is It Wrong To Be Different?

Is It Wrong to be Different?
Is it wrong to be different? is it wrong to be yourself? Think about it…. it's not wrong to be yourself nor is it wrong to be different.​​​​​​​
I'm sure everybody knows the answer is no and it's not wrong to be yourself. but how many people can really be themselves in front of other people? in front of today’s society? I want whoever is reading this to take a couple seconds to think about it. How many times you must try to act certain way to fit in certain groups...? or try to impress somebody and be doing certain things that is not really you? Or pretend to be something that you are not?
In nowadays society too many people put a shield on just trying to fit in the society. They're scared to be themselves, because they are scared to be judge by the others, they are scared to make mistakes, and scared to change. Even though people know not to act certain way, they still cannot truly show themselves.
I painted half of my model’s face try to represent the two side of human being one side is truly who you are the other side is the shield you put up for the society. The meaning behind the crack is no matter what you are trying to be, there will always be people out there trying to judge you.
Photo Series- Is It Wrong To Be Different?


Project Made For

Photo Series- Is It Wrong To Be Different?
