Dante Llaguno's profile

Una Sola Tierra | UNEP

Project: Cartel por la Restauración del Planeta
Client: UNEP | 17 Bienal Internacional del Cartel en México
Illustration: Dante Llaguno
Selection: Categoría B
This project was part of the postgraduate course El Cartel: La fuerza de la Síntesis with the teachers: Andrés Ramírez Cuevas, Santiago Muñoz and Alejandro Magallanes.
The first poster was selected by the 17th Mexico International Poster Biennale in the B Category and exposed on the Franz Mayer Museum in Mexico City.
Each of the three final posters presents different approaches, both graphic and communicative.
The first appeals more to the consequences of our actions.
The second invites more reflection and critical thinking about the state in which we live.
Finally, the third is a mixture of the two previous ones, since it invites action, but it also communicates our deteriorating present.

This is how I point out how only by our actions, we'll be able to see some change or improvement.
Una Sola Tierra | UNEP


Una Sola Tierra | UNEP
