April-Joy Matthew's profile

Documentary Photography

Documentary Series: Park Benches
the reason why I chose this thing to photograph is because I was inspired of what I saw on my way to Algonquin College when I saw a couple in there sixties sitting on a bench with the sun rising, the man had his arm around the woman's shoulder, talking to each other. I felt like I was watching a movie, not to over-exaggerate but it was sweet. And because of this, I had this inspiration to photograph people sitting on a bench talking with each other to show what I pictured in my mind but I did not see any people where I took these photos, I figured it was getting colder so I decided to still capture these benches.
What I learned about the thing I photographed.
what I learned when I captured these is that park benches can be a social connection. where people can sit, have a conversation with someone, look at a view that's in front of them. 
Documentary Photography

Project Made For

Documentary Photography


Creative Fields