RACHEL PEH's profileSérgio Enrico's profile

Project Blake

Project Blake's showreel

​​​​​​​On Self-Discrepancy Theory & The Human Psyche
The concept of one or others holding beliefs about what they're really like/their core personalities (Actual Self), what they should be (Ought Self), as well as what they would like to be (Ideal Self). The misalignment of one's attributes and beliefs regarding themselves.

But Wait, It Branches Even More.
Self-discrepancy is split into 2 main types: Actual/Ideal & Actual/Ought discrepancy. To put it simply, Actual/Ideal discrepancy is associated with dejected-depressive emotions (e.g. sadness and disappointment), while Actual/Ought discrepancy is associated with agitated-depressive emotions (e.g. anxiety and restlessness).

True & False Selves
According to Dr. D.W. Winnicott's True and False self, it pertains that since childhood, people have had to attune to the fragility of caregiver (i.e. withholding feelings of sadness and bottling up anger in order to please them), and due to this often times a wanted/expected scenario is achieved, making people develop a sense of False Self, a capacity to behave according to the demands of external reality, when in actuality, their True Selves have other desires and wants. This is what helps people accustom to regulations of school and in turn, working life.
Blake's Vision.
Despite self-discrepancy being something that continues to persist regardless of one's age or background, it is not something commonly discussed. As such, Project Blake seeks to not only shed light on the topic, but to also empower people spiritually and ensure that we hold on to the core characteristics that make up our True Selves.

Shall we begin, Onlooker?

Main Deliverable - Visual Novel-Style Online Exhibition

Main Deliverable: Online Exhibition Website

Blake: The Installation
Installation Screenshots
Installation sketch

Installation Display Box (15cm by 15cm)
"Scattered Pieces of Thoughts"
On the innermost surface of the box, the scribbled letters appear more coherent and readable, as it represents our True Selves/core personality, very distinct and expressive. However as the layers start to close in, they gradually become messier and less coherent on the outside. 

This seeks to showcase that we are all unique individuals with our own wants and needs, but as we face more life stressors and shortcomings, we start to adhere to new rules and are barred by restrictions, eventually losing pieces that make up who we really are; or who we once were.

Installation Publication: "Blake: Tales of Distraught"
Publication illustrations


Instagram Story Countdown

Instagram Posts

Spotify Sound Library

Sticker pack

Mini Blake plushie
So, why "Blake"?
Blake: A unisex name that literally means “black”. Representing hollowness and beginnings, like an empty canvas for the viewer to fill in based on self interpretation. He seeks to represent the inner, most raw natures of a person. Holding nothingness and endless possibility, no rights and wrongs, hence the name “Blake”

FYI, he's actually a moth! They represent death, and I interpret this as "new beginnings".

Live set-up for Temasek Polytechnic Design Show 2022

Thank you for taking your time to see this project till the end! :-)


Project Blake