Danilo Fodale's profile

L'INSONNE - art magazine

The Insonne is an artistic production magazine. A virtual meeting place where artist meet to express themself freely. lt's composed of 12 editions linked together and it's printed on recycled paper material obtained from agro-industrial products. The copies were distribuited in place of art and on the street with the means of artistic communication: from performance to street art.
title: L'Insonne 
location: Trapani - Sicily
subject: Art magazine 
role: Editor, Writer, actor 
and Art Director
period: 2016 - 2019
Each cover is made by a different artist
Different kind of language: theatrical dialogue, poetry,
 illustration, photography, drawing and more ...
Artistic happenings have been organized for each new edition of the magazine. 
The theatrical performances were realized in these meetings, incorporating the other artistic languages: painting, music, acting, dance and more. 
L'INSONNE - art magazine

L'INSONNE - art magazine
