Bubble Laundry
Project: Logo Design
Client: Bubble Laundry
Induatry: Laundry

The Bubble Laundry brand has blossomed since the day we met the team. From the first day since changing their brand, the Bubble Laundry team has been getting high fives and positive reviews about their new look. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
Why did they get these positive reviews? The logo was crafted with the customer at the center. The brand had to be appealing to repeat customers, every time they interact with it. We were looking to have a clean, warm and memorable impact. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
When this project started the objective was to have a consistent brand image for the laundromat and keeping an inviting impression from the back to the entrance. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
Although there is so much to see as this brand grows, its foundation is strong and built for growth.⁣⁣⁣⁣

For more visit www.thebrandshopbw.com/ourwork
Bubble Laundry


Bubble Laundry
