Euan McPherson's profile

Connect Dating App Concept

Connect Dating App: from concept to design
The Project:

Connect is a mobile dating application. As the sole UX designer I designed this project from inception to final design through research, ideation, and UX design principles.

Duration: 1 Month

Methods: User research, wire framing, prototyping

Tools: Figma


The world of online dating can be overwhelming. People looking for a connection are bombarded with a wide variety of apps all claiming to offer unique features, designed to generate the perfect match.

With Connect I aimed to design a minimalist dating application that encouraged user
interaction, packaged in an inviting UI. I worked on the hypothesis that dating applications are over-saturated with content and often fail to develop a shared empathy with their users. I undertook user research in order to develop solutions to this problem.
The Process:

As this was a concept design I had to inform my creative choices by examining user research already in the public domain. These included: competitor analysis of existing dating applications; user surveys; participatory activities; and a diary study.

Key Findings:

By examining the existing user research I was able to confirm my hypothesis that mobile dating applications often suffered from superfluous content and failed to deliver intuitive design. I was therefore able to pull a few key findings that would help inform my project:

1) Balance - Users sought high-quality matches, but an excess use of filters often lead to a lack of potential partners. I aimed to design a UI that balanced the need to find compatible partners without over-filtering. Similarly, user research indicated that long-forms were a turn-off. I aimed to create an application that required only the essentials to build up a user profile.

2) Easy Navigation - Users wanted navigation that was intuitive and a pleasure to use. Unnecessary UI elements were off-putting, and ideally the app should be navigable with one finger.

3) Visual Design to Match Tone of Voice (TOV) - UX copy should align with UX design. I aimed to have a welcoming, warm, and inclusive TOV; I therefore needed the UX design to align.

Diverse users need to find potential connections in an application that fun to use, easy to navigate, and provides high-quality matches.


Once I had undertaken my research I developed basic sitemap in order to establish a content order that was responsive to user needs and expectations:


Having constructed a sitemap and defined my aims, I proceeded to sketch some low-fidelity wireframes. I drew a number of versions until I found a balance between features and design that fulfilled my aims of a minimalist, easy to navigate design.

As indicated by user research, visual design is a key element in fomenting the open and inclusive feeling necessary for a successful application. I used classic design principles, gestalt theory and grids to ensure the app was visually appealing.

Design Language System:

To ensure visual consistency as the app developed, I constructed a design language system which can be viewed below.
Final Product:

Having followed a clear design process I created a product that fulfilled my aims, was informed by user research, and aligned with key design principles.

Key screens can be viewed below with an explanation of my design choices:

Connect Dating App Concept

Connect Dating App Concept
