Fadhil Sarifudin's profile

ADT 2.0 Visual Identity

ADT 2.0 — Visual identity for aquaculture event

Aquaculture Development Training or ADT is a event for University of Brawijaya Aquaculture students. This aquaculture event is titled "ORDER" (Ornamental Fish Breeder) was held in November 2018 at Malang-Indonesia by the Association of Aquaculture Students of Brawijaya University (Himpunan Mahasiswa Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Brawijaya).

This visual identity project takes about one week. Designing a logo for this event is very challenging because it must represent an elegant event, minimalism, sustainability, and of course ornamental fish, to attract participants to register for this event. The colors used are pastel blue and navy, describing how cool, knowledgeable and elegant this event was. Green pastels, describe sustainability.

Thank you!
— terima kasih​​​​​​​

ADT 2.0 Visual Identity

ADT 2.0 Visual Identity
