This project contains various logo and branding designs I have done. My design work tends to have a playful, illustrative quality to it.

1. Pacific Calm Gym and Spa
2. Seductive Sips Coffee Co
3. On the Poi
4. Malluable Life Coaching
5. Susan Mosdell Consulting
Pacific Calm 
Pacific calm offers traditional gym classes, as well as yoga classes and spa treatment.
Their target demographic is women who wish to be stronger and less stressed. 
A version of the logo needed to include their tagline "Love. Yourself. Healthy."
They are located in the US Pacific West, and wanted this signified through the inclusion of either a wave or a waterdrop in the logo.
I chose to also use a water drop incorporated into the shape of a lotus, as lotuses frequently associated with strength, as well as Eastern practices such as yoga.

Seductive Sips Coffee Co
For this coffee company, I was asked to create something cheeky and alluring, but not explicitly sexual.
I was asked to use coffee colours, with an accent colour.
I chose a colour commonly associated with passion and decadence.
For the menu and poster designs, I was asked to use moody lighting, and to emphasize the textures of the coffee.
On The Poi
On the Poi offers Poi spinning classes to adults and children.
They are located in L'Aghulas, a seaside village at the southernmost point of South Arica, which is a popular tourist destination.
Their mission is to bring people together, so they aim to attract a diverse community of both locals and tourists.
For this reason, the fire dancer shape had to be a simple rendition of a person who could be any are, race, or gender. 
I was asked to create a playful design using ocean and fire colours.
Malluable Life Coaching

Malluable provides one-on-one life coaching for entrepreneurs who have already achieved some success in business, and require guidance in handling the next steps of their career.
Their price point is relatively high.
The client wished to use a gold colour for their logo and branding, as their brand name is inspired by gold, particularly the malleability thereof
The misspelling of malleable is intended to signify that they value individuality, and tailor their services to individuals and their vision. 
The letter 'u' indicates emphasis on 'you'.
The logo is a single shape made up of the letters 'M' and 'U'. 
It uses triangles and crossbars to signify strength and stability, while maintaining a feeling of sensibility through the use of lines emulating metal rods which have been bent into an intricate shape. 

Susan Mosdell Consulting
Susan Mosdell is a legal advisor who also has postgraduate level education in English. Susan Mosdell Consulting offers two things: Language editing and proofreading of academic and non-academic documents, and legal consulting in constitutional and environmental law. 

The colour scheme is intended to be down to earth, and give a feeling of both stability and optimism.
Logo and Branding


Logo and Branding


Creative Fields