a lifestyle

Sketching is an integral part of me. I started with my first sketchbook about a year ago. Precisely on 29th May 2019, while I was doing my internship in Mumbai. Every day I travelled to and fro from my home to workplace in Mumbai locals. The diversity of people in the local trains really intrigued me and one fine day, I decided to sketch them. Since then, I made it a routine of sketching the myriad range of people I saw during my commute time.
After that, I've never stopped and it has been a great change in lifestyle for me. Sketchbook has been my most important support system. If someday I lose confidence, it's there to remind me, to witness as to how much I've grown. It gives me my confidence and my identity.

The past year, I've sketched almost every single day and I've seen improvement not just in my lines but everything around. I has given me a different vision which helps me look at things differently. As I indulged myself more into sketching, my urge to experiment with different mediums could not be contained. I have finished close to 6 books in the past year. You can witness my journey as below.

Sketchbook 1
I started off my first sketchbook using graphite 6B to 8B pencils.​​​​​​​
Sketchbook 2
Moving on from pencil to a pen was a little intimidating for me solely because you cannot undo your mistakes. I got over this anxiety as soon as I put the tip of the pen on paper.
Sketchbook 3
Over the period i realised that my strokes had gained a lot of confidence. I wasn't there yet, but i knew I was moving forward.
Sketchbook 4 (Artbook)
Gradually I jumped to Brush pen, Pigment liners, then Ball Pen, Gelly Roller, Chalk Markers, Water colors, Paint markers, Metallic pens, etc. I was in awe with the varied outcomes that these medias generated. This was the time when I learnt to bind Sketchbooks for myself so that I never run out of them, ever. My first handmade sketchbook (which I call an artbook) was an experimental book bound with pages of different textures, colours and finishes. This forced me to use a different stationary on every page. It was exciting.

Sketchbook 5
I started timing my sketches. Tried to show the maximum details capturing the essence of the gesture in minimum amount of time.
Sketchbook 6
Left hand works
After experimenting with different media on various substrates. I gave myself another challenge. I started a new sketchbook where I sketched only with my left hand. Below are some of the works I did only using my left hand.

I know, I still have a long way to go. But I hope you enjoyed my journey till here!

