kank whien's profile

Personal Identity

Personal Identity
Hello, I'm Whien.

Creating a brand for myself is difficult but very exciting.  I can explore in accordance with my wishes and identity.  But it is not easy.
I need a long time to find ideas and keywords that can describe it.
Many things that I want to express in the logo but simple, like:
- I always have the desire to jump far ahead, and do not want to stop here.
- About my hobby.
- About my passion in painting, batik, illustration and graphic design.

Finally, I found a few keywords that can describe me, my desires, and my hopes:
smart, fun, energic, artistic, dynamic, flexibility, have character, unique, simple, and lovely.
I chose spiral springs to represent those keywords.
Spiral Spring
The process of making a logo:

I want to combine images of spiral springs, the letter W, and pictures of people into the logo.
Decorative Ornament:
Indonesia has a nation's valuable culture, namely batik. Batik motifs are very and spread throughout the archipelago in accordance with the diversity of tribes and cultures.  I like it very much.
For that reason, I want to place batik motifs as a decorative brand for my identity.  This decorative ornament is in tune with my logo, which are dot, lines and curves.
I made several batik motifs:
Batik ornaments can be applied with logos on various media.
Thank You
Personal Identity

Personal Identity

Personal Identity. Creating a brand for myself .
