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Philly SEO PRO: Local Philadelphia Search Engine Optimi

What Do Search Engines Want in a Website?
Successful businesses today need a clear understanding of what search engines want from websites to be visible online and reach their customers. As a result, many businesses located in the Delaware Valley are looking for the best Philadelphia SEO company to help. The big news today is the increasing artificial intelligence of search engines, their emphasis on mobile devices, and efforts to make the internet more user-friendly for the disabled. Therefore, much of search engine optimization today takes into account the new priorities as much as the classic website optimization best practices.

If you're about to redesign the website for your business, it's wise to consult with SEO experts before you begin – or involve them in the process all along. Success online is a balance among your brand image, user-friendly web design, and optimizing for search engines. Only when all three are working together will you see the success online that you need. Communicating clearly and succinctly in all of your site content is essential, as well as selecting clear images. Make sure the type fonts are set to easy-to-read sizes and check every page from a mobile device. Your site needs to read well on smartphones.

Because search engines evaluate websites using screen readers, it means they take into account the same things that human users see. It helps if you make your web pages clear and attractive, elegantly simple if you will. It's useful to design intuitively so that the site leads visitors to the information they need quickly and easily. If your website features products or services, make sure to describe them in ways that help people understand more. Remember that people who become interested often want to know more before they decide, so thorough descriptions are most helpful.

Knowing that human users appreciate images, search engines also want your website to include pictures and videos, if possible. Showing products or letting people meet members of your staff are excellent ways to boost customer interest in your website. Also, if you accept orders online, make sure the order form is easy to navigate and user-friendly. A neat and tidy behind the scenes area of your website also increases its score with search engines. For those parts, you need assistance from an SEO expert familiar with the many technical considerations. A great site is the sum of its parts. Make sure yours works well.

Philly SEO PRO: Local Philadelphia Search Engine Optimi

Philly SEO PRO: Local Philadelphia Search Engine Optimi


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