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Xender — File Transfer & Share For PC (Windows & MAC)

Xender — File Transfer & Share For PC (Windows & MAC)

Xender is a tool that will allow us to transfer all types of files between terminals with Android operating system, at a speed of choice. Instead of using Bluetooth or WiFi, Xender will use the NFC protocol of all terminals involved in the transfer, which will guarantee a speed between four and forty times higher than that of normal bluetooth.
With Xender we can transfer virtually anything that is inside our Android terminal: contacts, files, images, music, videos and even applications. We will only have to create a transfer group, and of course be close to the user to whom we want to transfer our files. This is very important: Xender only works if the person to whom we want to transfer files is nearby.

Once these requirements are met (users are close and have the application installed), Xender will begin its magic . Thanks to it we can make file transfers at a huge speed among as many terminals as we want.

Xender File Transfer For PC is an outstanding file transfer tool, which stands out especially for its convenient interface and transfer speed. In addition, we can send files to up to five different devices simultaneously.
Xender — File Transfer & Share For PC (Windows & MAC)

Xender — File Transfer & Share For PC (Windows & MAC)
