After a long night's rest, Chloe wakes up and stretches her legs. She's ready for a day of adventure! I chose this shot due to the messiness of the blanket around the cat and the way she elongates herself to stretch is really shown clearly from this angle.
Theo watches as Chloe awakens. I chose this shot due to how intense his eyes look as he stares at the other cat. In addition, the space on the right side of the image I feel really adds to the feeling that he is staring at something off frame.
Chloe moves to her spot after waking and begins to challenge Theo to a very intense and exhausting staring contest. The way Chloe balances the white of the wall and the darkness of the floors while still standing out as the subject really stood out to me in this shot. 
Theo stares back at Chloe. He's never lost a staring contest before and he doesn't intend on starting today. Similar to the previous shot, my camera placement on the same plane as the cat and the way he stares directly at the camera felt to me as though he was staring directly at the viewer. 
Distraction! The robo-vacuum emerges and consumes Chloe's attention. 
The focus on the fore-ground allows the attention to be given to the cat while still allowing the viewer's eyes to wander afterwards to then see the vacuum that scared the cat. Positioning the cat so far to the left side makes it feel cramped in the corner to amplify the feeling of fear the cat probably has at the moment. 
*Looks at the camera like Jim from The Office* The angle choices for this one are the same as the previous photo. I had to include this show because of the extreme Office vibes it gave off. 
Theo takes no chances. He will remain on the high ground until the vacuum is gone.
The way the cat is hiding behind the chair and looking down at the vacuum is was too perfect in this shot to not include it. 
The vacuum is gone... perfect time for a cleaning. 
This shot and the following one go hand in hand. The cat contrasts well against the black tv stand behind her and serves as a divide down the middle of the shot. The fact that the right side of the shot is so empty gives a bit of anxiety as though something should be there, which leads into the next image.
It's back! Can't drop your guard for even a second! 
To follow up from the previous image, the empty space on the left is filled by the "villain" while the focus remains on the focus of the story. 
After a long day (only 4 hours, cats are lazy) of not really doing much, it's time for a not so well-earned nap. 
I had to decide between this angle or a higher up angle of the cat sleeping but I felt that this one portrayed the "tiredness" of the cat much more due to it being on the same plane and containing the blurred carpet in the foreground. It makes the shot look very comfy.
After a long day (only 4 hours, cats are lazy) of avoiding the robot, it's time for a well earned nap. 
The way the cat laid down inside the circle of light really made for a great shot and in a way amplifies how tired she looks. The columns on her right and left also serve to frame the shot with her right in the center. 
Cat Day

Cat Day


Creative Fields