We were given the task to do something with the open data of family trees. It was a real challenge because the data only gets updated once in 50 years. We took it to another direction and we made it about exploring your family, who is the person behind the name? 

The client rewarded us as his favourite project (out of 6 other teams). In the next round we ended up 4th out of 30 teams.

The experience we wanted to give was to really discover your family in a personal way. We wanted it to compare with real photo's. You can move them around, flip them over where you can find a personal note written by the family member.
On the map you can see for example where your great grand parents lived (open data makes this possible).


Yourigin is a school project where we had to do something with open data, the solution was a profile for everyone so you could learn about who yo Read More


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