Fashion + AR
Project hologarment is developed by Shepherd for fashion design based on the technology of AR and Microsoft Hololens. This video was made for it’s 2019 official launch in Shanghai.
Because the video will be finally projected on holographic screen onsite so it has to be the black background. We designed the virtual design space and composite with the real actress which filmed in green screen in the studio.
So the main feature of the app is to design the cloth by simply choose the style and draw it by hands.
And you can also discuss with other designers or even factory people in the virtual space. Decide the materials and refine the details are all become possible and convenient.
In terms of showcase the designed piece and the powerful features of the app, we also design some other virtual space to show the possibility of the fashion piece with professional model.
In this video, we used a lot of POV shots to emphasis the perspective view of AR and VR, we also designed the dark BG for holographic uses. And we do think HOLOGARMENT will become the most significant improvement in the fashion industry in the near future.
Agency: ATxAT
Production Studio: YJ Conception
Director: Jiajin Cheng
Producer: GangGang
Post Production: YJ Conception 
Rendered by C4D & Octane



Creative Fields