A collection of unexpected thoughts, specific inspirations, and somber moods all drawn in colored pencils and words in ink.


Of heads

Of heads pushed out of hollows
Weeping, unseen and unheard.
Of spirits forcing themselves in bodies
Ominous, not visible.
Disregarded, the entity stays in the shadows
On wallpapers bright and scratched.

Yet shadows, of no help in hiding.
Why does it choose to stay there?


Of hopes
Of colors not matching, they say
Green, she craves the touch
Hearts float up
As blank eyes stare down.

In the blur, orbs of orange discerned.
Faint it may be 
Look up!


Of red eyes

Of beauty in the altar, flowers, I see 
How they stand out in the dark, dark woods! 
Red eyes Glow, glow in the gloom 
See how they come for her 
As they came from her.


Discover more of my finished works and works in progress in my twitterfacebook and instagram.
See you there!

Thank you!


