This project is also nominated for Czech National Student Design Prize 2020

30th Anniversary 
of Velvet Revolution 
in Czech Republic


Hi, my name is Sofia Makanova, I am a student of graphic design and visual communication studio at Academy of Arts, Design and Architecture in Prague. At the moment I am in Moscow. Already for several weeks there has been held civic gatherings for fair democratic elections and protests against political outrage. However, many people are still afraid to go out on the streets and defend their civil rights and dignity. People do not believe that the political situation in Russia can change. For me being free means not to be afraid to make decisions and act accordingly with what you think is right.

I think that for us Russians, the Velvet Revolution in Czech Republic is a good example of how liberation from tyranny can come without violence. I am very grateful that I can see through my eyes free-minded Czech people, and it gives me the belief that one day it can happen in Russia.
