1 in 4 car accidents are caused by cellphones. With the boom of smartphones, drivers can be even more distracted. Using them while driving is not only dangerous for yourself, but also for your passengers and the people in the streets.

Known from controversial works such as 'Piss Christ' and the 'Morgue series', world renowned contemporary artist Andres Serrano shot three portraits for Belgian road safety organisation Parents of Road Victims. Andres said: "As an artist I usually focus on my own work. It's very rare that I'm asked to do commissioned work, so it's a great pleasure for me to do something that goes out to the masses."

"Don't Text and Die" is a series of photographs in which Serrano depicts three different characters. At first glance they look dead, but when you look closer you discover they're actually just looking at their phones.

The campaign of Happiness Brussels not only aims to address a modern and universal issue, but also to bring attention to the work of Parents of Road Victims. Their main goals are the consolation of the families of road victims, and the prevention of future traffic accidents.
Cannes: Bronze Lion
Art Director: Diederik Jeangout
Copywriter: Karen Corrigan
Creative Director: Dominique van Doormaal
Photographer: Andres Serrano
Don't Text and Die

Don't Text and Die

Don't Text and Die
