Project overview

The task was to create a simple and presentable concept of the Career page for a software development company. But over time it has grown into a redesign of all pages of the website. The project took more than a month of work and was completed in 2017.

The devil is in the details

I create icons and illustrations for every project. And I recommend that you start doing it yourself in your next project. Yes, it will be difficult to handle with even the simplest icon at first. But over time, you will notice that drawing your icon is faster than finding a suitable one on the Internet.

It will also increase your expertise as a designer. You will be of great benefit to the client, and your projects will become more unique. And as soon as you have mastered the creation of icons, be sure to proceed to illustrations!


The page design

Creating a design begins with solving a lot of questions. One such question is the choice of the grid for the page. It provides a solid framework for content. The right grid allows you to alternate elements on the screen so that the user can easily read the information and at the same time not get bored from the monotonous presentation.

I always use a grid of 12 columns when designing websites. But this does not mean that the content should occupy all 12 columns or the smallest block in width should be equal to one column. For example, in this project, the widest block of content occupies 10 columns, and the smallest one — 3 columns.

In the video below, I share with you the secret of choosing the right grid.


Project Info

Agency: Goraсio
Project tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, inVision
Presentation tools: Sketch, Illustrator, Principle
Photos: Unsplash
Part of the icons and illustrations are available for purchase on my Noun Project page.

Thanks for the scrolling!

academy smart 2.0

academy smart 2.0

Website for a software development company.
