The Photographer is a life sized and interactive video installation, which can do pictures via arduino, kinect, OpenCV and processing of visitors. The installation is done with Processing using OpenCV and a kinect. I did this project as a part of my bachelor thesis at University of Applied Sciences of Hof.
The Photographer is done with Processing, using the kinect with openNI from PrimeSense and openCV for face recognition. The kinect detects if a person is in the room and tries to find the position. When the person enters the installation, the video gives commands where to the person has to go and what to do. The Photographer takes apicture with a real DSLR.
For recording the Photographer, I got help from Maximilian Titze. An old classmade of mine, who lifes in berlin. We recorded the sequenzes and commands.
For the installation, I use a backprojection to get a lifesized video image to diplay the Photographer. Both, the camera and the flashes are real. The camera is triggered by an arduino, which communicates with Processing. The flashes are triggered via funk by the canon.
The Project was part of my, Philipp Süß, bachelor thesis at University of Applied Sciences Hof my Supervising Professor was Prof. Michael Zöllner. Maximilan Titze did help me as the Photographer (actor). A speacial thanks goes to cloud visual brand entertainment GmbH, which was the company I did at the time my internship in. Thanks to Andreas Dahrendorf for metoring. Sarah Thielsen is the pretty girl in the video. Jürgen Bertrams, Ali Saghri, Katrin Kaiser, Sandra Kaul and Janine Süß did help me on the way to the project.
the Phtographer

the Phtographer

The Photographer is a life sized and interactive video installation, which can do pictures via arduino, kinect, OpenCV and processing of visitors Read More
