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Friends Of Design Projects: Gaian Dream Promo 2019

Friends Of Design Projects
Elective: Gaian Dream 2019 Promo 
by Sarah Young
For my final project I decided to redesign the promotional items for the trance festival Gaian Dream. 
I find that their current marketing is kind of boring and doesn’t portray the festival very well. Gaian Dream 
has a very psychedelic/hippie/Mother Earth vibe that I wanted to capture in creating eye catching illustrations.
The poster (also my favourite design I have ever done)
The flyer
It may sound strange, but I originally got this idea from watching animated series like Rick & Morty, The Big Lez Show and Adventure Time. These cartoons have a very specific, trippy art style and I always thought that it would look 
cool on a poster for a trance festival. I also drew inspiration from an illustrator called 
Tim Doyle who did a series of posters for Coachella 2018.
Detail shots of the poster
Friends Of Design Projects: Gaian Dream Promo 2019

Friends Of Design Projects: Gaian Dream Promo 2019

Trance party Gaian Dream 2019 poster and promo design
