Natalie Minh's profile

Sweat Is Free Business Development Strategy

Sweat Is Free Business Development Strategy
Gary Augustine Warren is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) from the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) and the National Strength Association (NSCA). In addition, he is a Certified Wellness Coach (CWS) from the Spencer Institute. He had the honor to begin his career working in 3 collegiate wellness/sports settings, (California State University-Long Beach, UCLA, and the University of Oklahoma) and furthered his education in biomechanics at the Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) internship in Denver, Colorado (2003).
From there, he moved into the private sector and continues to operate between the Oklahoma City and Los Angeles metros. His training focus is designing and implementing safe, progressive, and effective fitness programs according to individual health/fitness goals. Due to his newfound love for running, he has a concentration in endurance running performance. Gary holds fitness-wellness related degrees from Heritage College and the University of Oklahoma and continues to further his education for better service. He is also a member of USA Track & Field. Sweat Is Free Business Development Strategy by Natalie Minh Interactive.
Sweat Is Free Business Development Strategy

Sweat Is Free Business Development Strategy
