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mortgage broker for refinance in Ontario

Understanding Different Options North Creek Financial for Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
This first type of Home Equity Conversion Mortgages is a line of credit. Instead of getting a lump sum single disbursement, North Creek Financial many borrowers choose to open a line of credit. This allows them to access funds as they need them. In order to get the money, the borrower has to submit a written request to the company servicing the loan.
One of the best things North Creek Financial about this is that the line of credit can grow over time.

It doesn't earn interest. Instead, the line of credit takes into account that the home appreciates in value and that the borrower has grown yet another year older.
Single Disbursement Lump Sum

Not everyone is interested in having to present a written request for funds every time they need to tap into their funds. Others would rather get a single disbursement. The only problem is that if the borrower wants more money later, he or she will need to refinance later.

Of course, the borrower can choose to preserve some of their home equity by taking less than what he or she qualifies. An example of this is the borrower is eligible for $150,000 but only needs $25,000 to fix their roof. He or she could take the smaller amount instead.
Term Monthly Payments

Some choose to gain access to their funds by receiving monthly payments instead of a line of credit or lump sum. One option is the term payments. North Creek Financial allows borrowers to receive monthly payments for a set amount of time. For example, if the borrower is 65 and he or she wants to defer social security until age 72 in order to receive maximum benefits. This person could choose to take term payments on their Home Equity Conversion Mortgage for seven years. Each month he or she will receive the same amount, even if the value of the home diminishes during that time.
Tenure Monthly Payments

While term payments can help Borrowers Bridge the gap between retirement and the beginning of social security, others choose to receive monthly payments for as long as they live in the house. Again as with the term payments, will receive the same monthly payments. The payments will only cease when the borrower permanently leaves the home or passes away.
mortgage broker for refinance in Ontario

mortgage broker for refinance in Ontario


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