Create a new entrepreneurial community in Chongming Island.
Bio Ming brings to the consumer a true biological family of products. Such an achievement is the result of a long-term program on the Chong Ming Island. The process involves the local community of farmers who have been educated to bio-agriculture, and specific tools have been given according to the needs. Fruits and vegetables are local and seasonal and are delivered to the different P.O.S. just in Shanghai to reduce the logistic and to offer fresh goods.
Bio Ming achieves not only to provide a true biological family of products, it also sensitize the final user to the eco sustainable and eco-friendly way of approach the everyday life. Eating local biological fruits and vegetables, helping local communities to grow, limiting the use of energy and reducing waste can be considered the first steps of the green path.




Bioming, a service of biological agriculture (eco-sustainable and eco-friendly way of approach to the everyday life).


Creative Fields