Ponyo inspired painting.

We went recently with Kana to a 10th-anniversary screening of "Ponyo" in Shinjuku, Tokyo. I was really happy because it was the first time I saw this movie on a big, cinema screen. 

After seeing all those beautifully painted backgrounds I decided that I would like to make one with this technique (poster colors and pastels) again just for a change of pace from my “Tokyo at Night”watercolors.

I was looking for something to paint and the inspiration came in form of a view from a restaurant we sometimes go to for late lunches. I wanted to recreate the subtle gradient of the sky and the light on the buildings - this was a perfect experimenting ground for poster colors. 

I added some lines with a STAEDTLER pencil and pastel textures on the objects in the foreground to add a little depth to the picture and make it a bit "Ponyo"-like. 
I'm pleased with the result, but I still think I'm better suited for painting with acrylic gouache rather than poster colors or regular gouache - I prefer the waterproof layering paint.

* TMK Poster (special thick) paper
* NICKER poster colors
* STAEDTLER pencils
* Caran d'Ache pastels NEOCOLOR II
Evening street

Evening street

Anime style poster colors painting.
