Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX
Our first mural at Guadalajara, Mexico.
September 2018: Rob Balan and I went to Guadalajara, México, to paint this big mural for the first WeWork offices at the city. This was our first collaboration together. Rob was leading the art project for this building and let me had one of my drawings as a mural in the hot desks area.
We painted for three days. We had the help of Ekaterina Godpienko painting one of the big yellow shapes. We spent so many hours in the building that we could see the landscape during all the day moments. Such a beautiful view!
We were really happy with the final result. 
Hope you guys like it too!

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Guadalajara Mural


Guadalajara Mural

Mural at Guadalajara, Mexico. September 2018.
