Pop & Corn Adventures
[basic designs for animated series]

- The Concept -

Pieces of food and cooking are created when they are forgotten in the bowels of a sofa's upholstery. This is the starting point for a creation of the universe of the series Pop & Corn, creation of Animaking Studios.

Pop and Corn House Overview
Pop & Corn´s designs (created by Paolo Conti/Animaking Studios)

Coffee interior

Interior of the apartment (kitchen and bathroom)

* Concept *

The organicity and shapes of the "Carpê Forest" were created with braided woolen yarns and 
typical carpets.

Leather, fabrics, upholstery and fibers are the basic elements in the composition of external and internal scenes of the city.

Episode stills

Client: Animaking 
Creative direction: Paolo Conti / Camila Kauling



Pop & Corn


Pop & Corn

Concept design for animated series
