Joseph Babinetz's profile

Video Tutorials & Promos

When you develop Web Applications there is always an on-going need for client training. A reoccurring issue is that not everyone gets this initial training or new users tend to ask the same questions over and over. Even with documentation for an application, users rarely read but would rather ask a question or better yet, watch a video. 

Two major projects I helped develop recently were for a portal for a medical records company and an e-commerce online store to demonstrate the back-end administrative console. For both projects, I created a short tutorial to demonstrate the power of video demonstration. The response was so positive, both clients urged my assistance to develop step-by-step tutorials for both front and and back-end processes. 

These can be complicated often because you truly have to learn every aspect of the system end to end. In addition, you need to gather data from those who work on the help desk to glean what the most misunderstood aspects of each function tend to be along with the proper terminology used with that industry. 

My experience working in Television truly came into play here. The "Pre-Production" rules of television or film development whereas the creator begins gathering data, creating a storyboard, writing and recording the scripts were the bulk of the work for each of these projects Once I had all of that content and storyboards put together the editing of the videos were actually a lot of fun. Follow your approved storyboard, import the shots and images into your canvas, lay down the narration and background audio tracks and then create your video transitions. 

I was the sole developer on every one of these projects and spent many nights compiling my timelines until the early morning hours but in the end, the quality of the demonstrations, audio and minor animations made these worthy of a regional California medical company embedding links on every portal screen and mandated an employee requirement to all application administrators as part of their core training. Help desk requests dropped by 43% in one quarter which was a ultimately a significant savings of company resources and dollars.

Just a side note, in addition to creating a total of 7 tutorials, I was also the lead designer of the web portal application by creating all screen mock-ups, converting those to HTML layout templates, created all graphics and icons and write all of the CSS for styling for this .NET Application. 

Tutorial 1: Log-in and Password Reset

Tutorial 2: An Administrative Task Screen Walk-Through

Tutorial 3: Member Search Tutorial
I have created numerous other tutorial videos but due to restrictions the few demonstrated above are the only samples I can share in this platform. 


In addition to tutorials for the people on the inside of a business, there are so many uses for video, especially today for marketing and promotion.

Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube are now major platforms used to promote businesses. Below are 2 animated promotional videos used to promote the e-commerce company Cart Partners shared over all of the major social media platforms to increase both awareness and sales.​​​​​​​

This first Promotional Video is a marketing promotion for an E-commerce company

This next video I was given a bit more freedom to use some creative animation to showcase the different platforms this company was promoting. 

This sample was used for marketing, a 3rd party created the animations but it was put together so poorly I was tasked with stripping out and laying down new audio, fixing any broken animations and tying it all together. 

This Final sample was originally a PowerPoint presentation. I was asked to convert to video and upload to a YouTube channel so additional staff could easily view by sharing a link.
Video Tutorials & Promos

Video Tutorials & Promos
