Crime Week 
A teaser
My idea was to initially show a lot of different types of crimes being committed in a flat vector-like universe based around cell animation (frame-by-frame), but after getting some feedback I redid my concept and turned it into "Serial Killers through the Centuries", focusing now only on some of the biggest serial killers our specie has ever met.
The names of Jack the Ripper and Ted Bundy came to mind, and so I chose those two as my concept, and created a teaser based around them and their time periods.
My teaser changes time periods. Throughout it you see 3 different universes and people investigating murders or people being killed.
Sounds fromt the different periods, such as horse carriages for Jack, and police radios for Ted, is heard in the background, and the color scheme changes when our time setting does.
The color of blood is the only consistent color, and it follows us through the teaser and announces when the time changes.


"A mysterious and suspenseful teaser that indicates that this show is about serial killers"
Creating my characters and scenes didn't take a lot of time for me, as I was pretty set on exactly what I wanted for my project from the beginning.
I had 3 color palettes for 3 different time periods and a grasp of what characters I wanted to make. 

I spent some time searching for info on serial killers such as Jack the Ripper and Ted Bundy, and the time period where they came from. I wanted to catch the look of said time periods, and I downloaded several pictures related to them to create mini-moodboards.
When the moodboards were done, I created color palettes based around the two characters, and a palette for modern day crime scenes.

My first moodboard for the overall idea for my teaser
The color palette after my idea got some feedback
Though I knew how my scenes would look in my head, I needed to create style frames to bring them to life, and though I created several, these were the ones that ended up being used.
My style frames were still just sketches though, and they did change over time as my scenes got created. But I needed a storyboard before I could really begin making anything, and when the storyboard was done, I made it into an animatic to get a sense of cutting and implement sound.​​​​​​​
The animatic and final animation was pretty close in likeness, though some scenes were edited to create new angles and others were removed to stay within the timelimit of the assignment.
When the mood had been set and I had all the pieces that I deemed necessary, I set to create some of my key-scenes;
The Use of Sound
I knew I wanted my scenes to differiantiate, and with the use of sound, I could amplify the use of colors. Each scene had their own unique sounds that played into the time period I wanted to portray, and I think it ended up working pretty well.
Jack the ripper; Horses and knife sounds.
Ted Bundy; Police radio and gunshots.
Current time; Sirens and helicopters.
With the use of Clip studio paint I created several animations for my final project in After effects. These were all frame-by-frame animations and were done via the timeline feature in Clip Studio Paint. Each individual scene was exported as a .mov file directly from CSP, and then put into After Effects to be added to the animation.
All scenes and illustrations were likewise done in CSP, and it is my main go-to program fro illustrating and animating cell animation.
This is 28 frames of unedited knife-movement. After the test I cleaned up the animation and added colors/depth/and blood to the knife.
The total was 32 frames as the final animation.
A total of 11 frames were used to create this stuttering zoom-out on the pool of blood. A stream of blood was later added with an additional 20 frames, and the pool was given highlights and shadows to create depth.
My flying bullet ended up with over 50 frames in the final animation, all done individually to create sporadic movement and the sense of the bullet getting closer to the viewer. The background is also done frame by frame, and nothing was copy-pasted to make it as life-like as possible.
Crime Teaser

Crime Teaser

A teaser for a week about crime on Discovery Channel. (School project)
