For this project we were making a family crest. The family crest is to represent my family, with different images or words or color, anything that stands for Carballo. The crest, I thought would be cool, if I focused mainly on my siblings and I instead of my family, so it mainly symbolized us kids and Carballo at the same time. This is my family crest.
For my crest I decided to base it off my siblings and I. It was kind of hard to decide what to do since we are always battling each other and can never like the same thing. But I was able to come up with this. So, our last name is Carballo for all of us which is why that's the banner. I chose the shape for this crest cause there are 5 of us, so I chose a 5 sided shape. I put a cross since we are all catholic and go to mass every Sunday. I chose the colors red, white, and blue because we were all born here in America, and our favorite colors were either red or blue. And last, I put A.S.C in the middle since it's all 5 of our initials so that was unique. And these features are what led to the making of the Carballo family crest.
Family Crest

Project Made For

Family Crest


Creative Fields