Vidida Sontichai's profile

Scale, Abstraction, and Texture #oneperday18 wk7

Image as Perspective and Composition
Scale, Abstraction, and Texture
Week 7 | #oneperday18
Large to Small
Photography: Brisbane City
Process: I when to my dad's workplace in the Suncorp building above the council library and took photos from there. Okay, so the middle picture wasn't exactly taken this week but I was the one to take the photo.
Reflection: The really like the pattern the buses make as the pull into the cultural centre station. Unfortunately, there is a bit of a glare from the windows on on of the images. This one was hard to do as all I could think of was a drone. Luckily I still managed to get high enough.

  13 September 2018 
The above images were made in collaboration with Benji R Ellis, Jessica May, and Lama Alsherebi.
Small to Large
L'appel du vide
Technique: Photography: Lego and Rope
My concept for this image stems from the idea of Death, the Lego man, playing with death, the noose. I chose to title this L'appel du vide or "call of the void". It is a strange phenomenon where people toy with the idea of death whilst standing on the edge of a cliff or driving.
Process: First, we tied a length of rope into a noose and then set the Lego man inside using it as a swing. Then we used a UV torch to cast the purple fantastical light and finally we set up a black background.
Reflection: It would have been nice to have the noose be the actual size for a human but we didn't have wires to hold the rounded shape.

   5 September 2018 
Small to Large
Window Sill
Technique: Photography: Insect
Now I have some wings to use in future projects.
Process: I woke up to find this bug dead on the window sill surprisingly intact so I snapped a couple of photos. I then isolated the wing and enlarged.
Reflection: If I zoomed into the wing more, it may end up looking like a map.

   8 September 2018 
Light Painting
Adventures in Light
Technique: Photography: Sparklers and a Torch
This was so fun.
Process: These are purely experimental. I really wanted to test it out so I played around with sparklers and a torch.
Reflection: Next time, I definitely want to try writing something or even drawing something. I'm really happy with the ones I have though.

   9 September 2018 
Texture from Nature
Bottle Brush
Technique: Photography: Bottle Brush Tree
Process: I just walked into my garden and took a photo.
Reflection: I really like the way these photos turned out, especially the lighting. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get a picture of the texture properly.

   9 September 2018 
Texture from Man-made Material
Ocean's Roar
Technique: Photography: Thai Silk and Paper
I guess the boat counts as small to large as well?
Process: I adjusted the ISO of the camera so that it would let in less light and then grabbed a blue torch with a piece of paper over it and used it as the light source. I wanted to create the illusion that this is a boat on the waves in the middle of a storm. I put the small boat onto a pin to secure the boat in place. I the adjusted the fabric to make it look like the ocean. I also took a regular textural image. Due to the nature of the pattern, the fabric appears distorted but that's just the fabric.
Reflection: I am super happy with the first image. I was in shock as to how I managed to achieve such a beautiful looking image. I should have added more light to the right of the second version though.

   7 September 2018 
Scale, Abstraction, and Texture #oneperday18 wk7

Scale, Abstraction, and Texture #oneperday18 wk7

DXB202 - Image Production QUT Semester 2 #oneperday


Creative Fields