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Compare The Market - Galactic Insurance

Compare The Market - Galactic Insurance
Compare The Market teamed up with Disney to promote the most anticipated film in a generation - Star Wars: The Force Awakens - alongside the world’s biggest cinema promotion, Meerkat Movies.

So we created Galactic Insurance. It mirrored the real car insurance quote journey exactly - even borrowing Compare The Market’s actual quote algorithm - but instead of cars, we featured a host of iconic Star Wars vehicles.

So you could insure anything from an X-Wing to a Star Destroyer with a variety of galactic insurers and come away with your very own Certificate of Galactic Insurance.
"Comparethemarket and VCCP’s creation is fun and on-brand; and its humour elevates it to one of the best (and congruous) tie-ups with the the release of ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ that we’ve seen. The Force is definitely strong with this one."

The site replicated the entire car quote journey. If you had a dangerous job or left your vehicle somewhere sketchy overnight, that would affect your premiums.
Fancy a go? You can try it here >
We created a whole marketplace of Galactic insurers, Unfortunately, Leia's Wheels, Quote Me Wookiee and Cover Me Porkins didn't make it through. Hoth Deals and So-Lo Cover did. And, just so you know, Tattooine-surance has a customer helpline open from double sunrise to double sunset, 304 days a year.
Your quote was calculated in Galactic Credits and came with all the small print you'd expect, but with a Star Wars twist you might not. Once you'd selected your cover, you could download your certificate or share an online version on your social channels.
"Someone has gone into quite an amazing amount of detail for this Star Wars fan experience."
Milner's Blog
We created a highly-detailed press pack to send to journalists and Star Wars bloggers - including a remote controlled Millennium Falcon and a Galactic Licence to fly it.
Compare The Market - Galactic Insurance


Compare The Market - Galactic Insurance

Save Galactic Credits on your Star Wars vehicle cover with Galactic Insurance, only from Compare The Market.
