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Battle Royal Infographic


Being informative of the world of BR is a must in the current video game world. Battle Royals, BR, are popping up everywhere. Massive companies like Dice and Activison are trying to recreate the same environment Epic and BlueHole have done. Taking in all the information of the past 3 years and trying to display it in a vertical format is challenge in itself. Color schemes are important here, to guide the eye and to really enhance the important points. 


Teaching the average consumer what BR games are is easier when you can relate to them. Informing them its like a movie they have seen, The Hunger Games, can really give them a perspective of what the game is about. Adding popular icons from the games like the Golden scar, the Jeep, and the Level 3 helmet can help them relate to the games in a way others already relate to them. Informing them of the upcoming games they can ride the wave on will help with expanding the knowledge of battle royale. 


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Battle Royal Infographic

Battle Royal Infographic


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